# Rank 2 Equipment (Weak) Name: trenchcoat Desc: It's a black trenchcoat, from the Matrix! Symbol: Blue [ Power: 3d2+3 MaxMod: 4 Durability: 5000 Rank: 2 Name: Perl t-shirt Desc: You had a white t-shirt imprinted with an image of a camel in Perl code quite some time ago. From then on, everybody recognized it as "the camel shirt." On the back proudly emblazoned is the Perl motto: There's more than one way to do it. Symbol: white [ Power: 3d4+3 MaxMod: 7 Durability: 500 Rank: 2 Name: laser tag gun Desc: It appears to be a normal laser tag gun connected to no vest. It beeps, so it must be functioning. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be a fire button, so your thumb won't get worn out. Symbol: Red / Power: 4d4+2 Durability: 10 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 4 Ranged: 1 Name: rat flail Desc: Wow... Is your friend influencing your dreams? Straight out of that comic he loves to read is a long chain with a splattered rat corpse on the end. The tip, consisting of a blackened rat tooth, seems to be sharp enough. Symbol: Orange / Power: 3d10+1 Durability: 50 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 3 Name: pitchfork Desc: A rather unremarkable pitchfork, like you'd see in Spencer's. Symbol: red / Power: 5d2+3 Durability: 200 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 6 Name: trout Desc: It's a trout! Like from mIRC! Though you use irssi these days, you can never resist a good ol' troutslap. Symbol: green / Power: 3d7+1 Durability: 80 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 7 Name: feather mace Desc: It's a short stick with what seem to be Native American ceremonial feathers on the end. Symbol: purple / Power: 2d10 Durability: 130 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 8 Name: spoon Desc: It's a... um... spoon. Haha? Symbol: grey / Power: 7d3+3 Durability: 350 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 3 Name: walking staff Desc: Hey, it's your old walking stick from when you used to camp! Just the right height for you, and it's even got that curious snake-shaped handle! Symbol: blue / Power: 2d9-3 Durability: 20 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 2 Name: needle blade Desc: A blade this deadly-looking MUST be a work of evil... Symbol: orange / Power: 7d2+6 Durability: 250 Rank: 2 MaxMod: 5 # Rank 1 Equipment (Tough) Name: wheel of Fortuna Desc: This curious vibrating disc almost seems to be alive. It quivers in your grip and seems to have a fond, boomerang-like attachment for you. Engraved upon its surface are medieval images depicting the fickle nature of Fate. From time to time, you almost catch yourself hearing lines of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana from the direction of the disc. Symbol: Blue / Power: 2d15+8 Durability: 200 Rank: 1 MaxMod: 9 Ranged: 1 Name: incense spear Desc: It's a short stick... but the tip, though sharp, is glowing and spouting profuse amounts of smoke. You can smell many flavors: peppermint, lemongrass, frankincense, mur, and a minty one that reminds you of that time in the theatre with her... Anyway, though it's constantly burning, it doesn't seem to wear away at the stick, which is lucky because it looks like it could do a fair bit of damage if you could get it wedged into an enemy. Symbol: Green / Power: 8d5+5 Durability: 150 Rank: 1 MaxMod: 8 Name: lava lamp sword Desc: This is the most psychedelic blade you've ever seen! The base where the bulb usually is seems to function now as a handle. Globs of multicoloured stuff flow through it, rising to the tip, which seems to have been converted into a freakishly sharp point. Symbol: Purple / Power: 10d10+10 Durability: 300 Rank: 1 MaxMod: 10 Name: strobe light gun Desc: This small strobe light has been fitted with a comfortable handle. It's capable of rapidly pulsing up to 25 flashes per second! Better not stare into this thing for too long! Symbol: white / Power: 25d2 Durability: 1 Rank: 1 MaxMod: 1 Ranged: 1 Name: Isometric Boredom t-shirt Desc: Your second custom-made shirt is black with a curious symbol and quote embedded: Isometric Boredom... It won't last. What is Isometric Boredom? You believe it to be the "long dark teatime of the soul," that horrible duration in which despair prevailed. Symbol: Purple [ Power: 6d8+4 MaxMod: 5 Durability: 3000 Rank: 1 # Rank 0 Equipment (Never generated) Name: the magic peace talisman Desc: You found this little magic stone at a New Age shop a few weeks ago. Since then, its message of "World Peace" has kept you company every hour as your first lucky charm. Squeezing it always did seem to help you to make calm, balanced decisions. Perhaps here it could allow you to channel something more! Symbol: red % Unique: 1 # Symbol doesn't really matter... STICKYAMULET: [Before Player unequip talisman] <( say "But what if you need it somewhere in here?"; return -1; )> # Again, this stuff is irrelevant. Rank: 0 Name: crown of thorns Desc: Really, the time leading up to the breakup was the worst. The constant pressure to against your judgements, the confusion about your best friend flirting with her, and of course the constant nagging agony of worry. Suffer. Symbol: Red } CROWNOFF: [Before Character unequip crownthorns] <( say "No. Through suffering comes understanding."; return -1; )> CROWNPAIN: [After Character equip crownthorns] <( my $self = shift; shift; my $crown = shift; my $sub = sub { my ($crown, $self) = @_; # PAAAAAAAAAIN. $self->msg("[1] digs into [subj].", $crown); $self->take_damage(random(5, 9)); return -13; }; $crown->delayevent(2, $sub, $self); # Be nice... schedule removal. # WHERES MAH CROWN? $crown->delayevent(18, sub { my ($crown, $self) = @_; $self->msg("Finally... Someboy has shown mercy for [subj]. [1] incinerates.", $crown); $crown->destroy; }, $self); return 1; )> MaxMod: 0 # Irrelevant... ^ Rank: 0