6/08/08 - got curses skeleton going with poe - got menu interface skeleton going 6/09/08 - menu interface is completely usable - menu interface installs keymap, still hacky 6/11/08 - new hexed interface, Fixed, with simple routine to set a title - fixed hexed offset bug - eliminated flicker... clear only needs to be called when we nuke a whole line. the padding takes care of the other cases. 6/13/08 - uses new queue, greatly simplified 6/18/08 hexed: - Hexed::Menu doesnt croak on long entries 6/19/08 - Shifting keys now have to be explicitly enabled or disabled - choose popup is functioning well - stack of key handlers works well - functions to clean up old windows from display - well designed nonblocking "wait for input" read - choose popup completely works - askfor prompt popup completely works 6/20/08 - The choose dialog is now also space-efficent. 7/03/08 - began overhaul, refactoring, etc 7/05/08 - overhaul finished. all old functionality, new code - new concept... Frames. frames contains set of windows. so if an app needs to totally switch modes (like to/from game mode and inventory mode, each with set of windows), it can easily - the Menu window cleans up entries correctly - the Menu window now uses pads and has perfect scrolling 7/06/08 - template object for menu makes nice column-aligned tables easily 7/12/08 - random improvements to template - more of above. multiple variables in one field supported 7/13/08 - template now has sprintf filtering for variables 7/14/08 - along with numerous unsuccessful attempts at getting subwindows to overlay properly, took out a redundant redraw method from Hexed::Menu